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Historical Classroom

Historical Classroom

Welcome to Historical Classroom, the ultimate destination for supplemental educational materials to enhance your history and social studies lessons. As a teacher with years of experience, I've created a variety of resources for various age groups through my Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) Store. Let's bring history to life!

Laura Lynch

Quick Bites


Discover History

Discover the perfect history lesson with Historical Classroom. My TPT store offers a vast selection of curriculum and educational materials that will engage and excite your students. I enjoy creating fresh and exciting lesson plans and resources, so be sure to check back often for new and innovative materials. Please click the link below to be taken to my TpT store and see what I have to offer your students!

Study guide images

In the Spotlight


Introducing Back-to-School products! Get ahead of the game and start planning your lessons for the first weeks of school with these amazing resources. From interactive whiteboard activities to engaging lesson plans, Historical Classroom has you covered.  Don't wait until the last minute, Check out the spotlight products today!

Click either the product title or image to be taken to the Historical Classroom product.

Back to School--First Week of School History Activities 

Suitable for grades 5-8, this guide is perfect for those first hectic back-to-school days. This 20-page guide includes activities for class engagement, letter writing to a student's future self, review for the US states and capitals, and writing a resume for a historical figure!

Back to School--Note-Taking 

"But I STUDIED!" How many times have you heard this frustration from a student who received a lower grade than expected on a test or assignment? This 9-page lesson guide, suitable for grades 8 and above, will introduce your students to effective organizational and note-taking techniques for achieving optimal success.

Back to School--Setting the Stage for a Successful Year.

Suitable for grades 3 and up, this 22-page guide will help you and your students prepare for a productive school year by involving them in activities and utilizing templates that:


  • Encourage reflection on their summer break to bring closure before the academic year begins

  • Inspire the creation of a class time capsule to preserve their current life stage

  • Enhance social and emotional learning skills

  • Enable students to build a stronger connection with their teacher.

Back to School: Thinking Like a Historian, Searching for Historical Evidence 

In this 9-page guide for grades 8 and up, students will learn to see themselves in your history class as detectives, searching for answers in primary sources to mysteries that have never been completely solved.


This guide will empower students to navigate complexity, adapt to new situations, and refrain from hasty conclusions. Historians engage in continuous discussions to interpret historical facts, analyzing the significance and causes of events.



On July 4, 2026, the United States of America will celebrate its 250th birthday. Looking for a way to celebrate America's Semiquincentennial? Look no further than Historical Classroom's "America@250" series!


Each guide delves into a different aspect of our country's founding, offering a unique perspective on this momentous occasion.


With a Quarter of a Millennial under our belts, there's never been a better time to honor our nation's history and look forward to its future. Check out our products today!

For product descriptions and to purchase any of the guides, click on the cover to be taken to the Historical Classroom.


(Check back often...there are more products to come!

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Be In the Know

Join my email list today and receive regular updates on all things  Historical Classroom.


As a part of the Historical Classroom community, you'll receive a free Constitutional Pamphlet (who doesn't love a freebie?), as well as exclusive information on upcoming TpT sales, notification of new blog posts, and historical news.


Whether you're a teacher, librarian,  or simply plan historical events and could use some supplemental material for your audiences, Historical Classroom offers a wealth of resources and opportunities to help you stay engaged and informed.


Sign up now to join our community and receive your free product today.

Constitutional Pamphlet 1

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Historical Classroom Mailing List 

Historical Classroom Notes

I've taken the plunge and launched my new blog! Previously centered on historical topics, this one is dedicated to teachers like yourself. It features teaching tips and in-depth explanations of a product in my store.


This week, I'm sharing a presidential recipe that I'm sure you'll enjoy! Click the blog icon to the right to visit Historical Classroom Notes.  You can also go to

See you there!


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"Good resource that could be used in several different types of history classes."

"Great for Summer School - very concise and easy to use. I can't wait to use it during the year."

"This is a great resource! Thank you so much!!!"

"Using this with my homeschooled child. I wanted to find something to go along with her book reading, and this has some good activities and even grading rubrics for me. Thanks!"

"Great for sub plans!"

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